5 Very Important Truths to Remember Right Now

5 Very Important Truths

I feel like, with all that is going on in the world, now is a good time to remind everyone of a few very important truths.

1.You must remember that the hormones of stress/fear/anxiety (when expressed for a length of time) will push the genetic buttons that CREATE disease.

We are almost 6 months in this ‘Rona mess, and many people have been CONSUMED with fear and worry the entire time!

This is absolutely starting to take its toll, so if this is you, it’s time to TURN IT AROUND.

2.You don’t have to stick your head in the sand and live in denial, but you could definitely ease your worry by preparing your body and immune system.

There are SEVERAL easy ways to kick this virus, but they are absolutely being kept from the public in a bid to keep everyone in a panic and fearful, and angry at their neighbor in the process!

This is INSANITY and we must WAKE UP!

At the end of February, I shared this post: This Pandemic and My Go-To Supplements and talked about our favorite viral protocol from Dr Roby Mitchell and Dr Brownstein.

Dr Brownstein has a Holistic clinic, and posted several updates on his blog showing they have a 100% survival rate with this protocol. People respond and recover quickly and no one even had to be hospitalized!

Since then, he was ordered by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to stop making any statements about this treatment, or about his results from the protocol!

Another doctor in Odessa, Texas has a 100% success rate, and every time his video was uploaded to YouTube, it was removed. His practice is currently full, and he has trained a few other doctors on this treatment and they’re also seeing a 100% success rate!

3. Also remember, (even before this newest virus) the 3rd leading cause death in the country is medical error.







Yes, this virus is real. I am not denying that.

But even if you do choose current conventional treatment vs alternative treatments, the survival rate is still 99.4%.

(However, the lasting or possible long-term effects are different. This is why I personally choose the routes I do! )

I am building LIFE LONG health. I am investing in my immune system NOW, and will continue to see the pay off many years down the road.

5.The decision is yours to make.

You can invest in your mental, physical and spiritual health now, in preparation of what might come.

You choose what goes on your plate and in your body.

You choose if you are getting up and moving every day, getting sunshine on your bones and fresh air in your lungs.

You choose what you read/consume, or the priority you make for sleep/rest.

Or you can choose to keep your tv on, fill your family with garbage junk food/toxic pharmaceuticals, poison your brains and minds with stress and worry, blindly following whatever propaganda spills from our corrupt government/MSM/Hollywood .

No one can choose for you.

In the meantime, here’s Dr Mitchell sharing his protocol and preaching truth:



Here is the most recent link on the treatment from the Odessa doctor, Richard Bartlett


I leave you with this profound quote:

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
— George Orwell